Thanks to all who have replied to my query.

I value the experience of people who have the product and used it as intended - better than just contacting the manufacturer.

For wide feet, I was thinking about the width across the big toe / widest part of the foot. But the comment about the toe box is very valid and one which I missed / did not think of (last shape). I have a problem with long, leather riding boots as I have a high instep. Have to like the modern riding boots with a hidden vertical zip along the back of the boot shaft.

I was wearing Meindl hunting boots with thick wool socks one evening, waiting outside a theatre in Almaty, Kazakhstan Christmas New Year 2015. I could feel the cold coming up through my boots from the ground (snow and ice over concrete paving etc). The rest of me was warm - wool trousers, thermal underwear, wool coat etc. I guess it was -16 to -20 degrees C in the early - mid evening. The coldest temperatures I have experienced in Kazakhstan were -26 C, Almaty, and around -30 C in Astana.

So, I thought, the knowledge and experience of people living / going about their lives in the northern mid West USA and Canada would be useful.