Originally Posted by Jkob
Triggerguard 1 (matt)

Your directions lack one step. When the bolt is removed it is in the cocked position and the lever will not retract! It needs to have the cocking piece in the fired position and then retracted so the bolt locking pin can engage the detent in the bolt body.

I think this guy's bolt/safety engagement needs to be adjusted; no uncommon in M70's.

I'll be damned......I did forget to mention that step....Thanks Jim.

So, as he Jim mentioned....While in the vice and pulling back on the bolt body; depress the sleeve lock and rotate the bolt body until the cocking piece is near the fire position and gently begin applying pressure to the safety lever to move into mid-safe position......After that, the safety has the cocking piece secured back and you can simply uncrew it from the bolt body.

All of this of course is dependent on the safety lever not being broke or gummed up......I would put more stake in it being too much engagement on the cocking piece in the area of the safety relief cut though in this case.