I have been saying this repeatedly for the last 3 1/2 years!
The criminal entity now known as china joe biden is drugged out to the max!
This is not only dangerous for our country it is dangerous for the whole danged world.
I dealt professionally, for 29 years, with drug addled people - and have NO doubt, china joe biden is heavily (overly!) medicated with mind altering drugs!
Here is another opinion/observation.

LINK: https://pjmedia.com/matt-margolis/2...gged-for-the-state-of-the-union-n4927158

I pray, the once great United States of America, can survive another 7 - 8 months of "leadership" under this drug addled, senile, criminal, decrepit, compromised, low life, pervert, son of a bitch.
Thanks turdqueen - for nothing!
Hold into the wind