Originally Posted by dcd
Guess I touched on a soft spot for all of us. Many good thoughts experiences and ideas. Hope we all have time to try them. The most important thought is hold onto the memories. They can't be sold, bartered or traded. You have them forever.They don't take up much space and are yours to visit any time you want or need to. I have some great ones and have shared some wonderful adventures. A few of you know that I have fought Parkinsons for eleven years now and am smart enough to know, as Kenny Rodgers says,
"when to fold them." Believe me when i say "letting go is not so hard to do". The mounts will find new homes. The guns will go to the wood and fields again. The rods will bend f4or another fish and the most precious part of all this, the memories, will forever remain with me.! Most of us are wandering the same path and encountering similar forks in that path. Take one, I promise you it will at the very least provide for another memory. Remember its just "stuff". So give it a chance to be someone else's stuff.
Make no mistake this was written with many teary eyes. And so it should be. All this stuff is important to me. Thank you all for your thoughts, ideas and experiences. I will use them . Remember.The memories are yous to

dcd, thanks for starting a good thought starter. Our mounts are a great reminder of our hunts and bring back memories for us, and maybe our kids and friends. Other than that, they are just mounts to others. Mine will probably be sold off after I am gone... I certainly don't have any world record animals but all mine are records to me. One thing that I am doing is to write a story about all my successful hunts. I started many years ago and have them from my first deer to the deer I shot last year. 58 stories so far and I can go back and read them and I am right back in the woods or tundra or mountains where it happened.