Our mail lady was our carrier for more than 20 years and was very efficient at her job. She announced her retirement a month or so before her last day but I am sure she gave the PO more notice than that.

Well the PO obviously planned poorly because they had no carrier to replace her after her last day. We got our mail twice in in a 3 week period of time with no notice of a problem and no notice that we should come to the PO and pick our mail up. I did to go to the PO and pick up our mail for that period. As you know most payments are due within a 2 week period or so in todays world and I could not do without my mail.

I had a long conversation with the Post Master at the branch office and they just said they could not find someone to replace her. My response was that was unacceptable and in the private sector deadlines must be met and if it meant overtime and rearrangement of schedules that is what they must do. Just say they have no one to delivery it was a poor answer.

Well, a phone call to my congressman and low and behold we started getting our mail again.