Been busy ice fishing of recent and just got the new Montana Elk/Deer/Antelope Hunting regulations pamphlet yesterday.
The bit of good news (I think) is that the Deer and Elk Rifle Hunting seasons will run until December 1st this year.
The Deer and Elk Hunting seasons have traditionally always ended on the Sunday AFTER Thanksgiving and this year that Sunday is December 1st which is 7 days later than in some years.
The rotation of the ending of the season usually changes by one day a year - some years it ends on November 24th then the next year it would be November 25th then the next year the 26th etc.
This later season ending will improve chances of tracking snow and high country freeze up which are among the reasons this late closure is good news for Deer/Elk Hunters in my experience.
Let alone the fact that the Deer will have more time to get rutted up!
Good luck to all who plan to Hunt Montana this year.
Hold into the wind