I lazied out on that, John. Just easier to use the quote marks. I'll take the penalty for capitalization.

NASA used to use the Associated Press Style Manual (and perhaps still does.) I tossed that one when my copy was 30 years old, and when the AP started going completely sinister-leaning.

Looking up at my book shelf I see style and usage manuals by Strunk & White, Fowler, Partridge, Johnson, Ehrlich, and Webster's. Plus the usual dictionary, thesaurus, and word books. Sixteen volumes, all told. Naturally, I still manage to screw something up at depressingly regular intervals. When I wrote for money, I'd spend a LOT of time trying to get exactly the correct phrasing or punctuation. But now I seldom bother. There are only a handful of people on the 'Fire who'd know the difference, anyway. Or care.

Cleverly disguised as a responsible adult.