Originally Posted by battue
Who has eaten Groundhogs? Wasn't all that rare at my Grandparents to have roasted Groundhog with gravy, potatoes and carrots. I think it would beat Pigeon easily.

I've eaten woodchucks, they are similar to jackrabbits in that the younger ones are more palatable than the older ones. Get them out of a primarily clover/alfalfa/Timothy field they can be very tasty. I've eaten possum, raccoon, porcupine, and a few other "delicacies too.

Grinners are good but they are so ugly I don't like dealing with them. I used them for stews. Raccoon needs to be done on a rack with a good grease trap to catch the fat. They aren't the best to toss on a grill. Parboil until the meat pulls from the bone then use as stew meat is my preferred usage. If one likes quinine flavored chewing gum then they will probably like quill pigs. Beaver tail is like eating fatty bacon. Cook on a grill then cut and peel the one side off. The meat isn't bad either though, once again, younger animals tend to be more tender than older. Careful removing the castor glands, they will ruin the meat if spilled on the carcass plus they are worth a fair bit of money. The glands can be worth more than the pelt.

As for the original subject - if one likes doves they will like pigeons; the only difference is size.