I guess when kari said nothing could make her surrender she was lying:
Kari Lake won’t defend herself in Arizona defamation lawsuit and asks court to decide damages

Interesting how the threat of perjury acts as a truth serum, maybe it is the threat of three hots and a cot that is provided to those who commit perjury. kari just opened up the flood gates for this suit and others and the damages will probably bankrupt her. Another roadkill of donny's backers.

I would love someone to explain to me why kari surrendered if she actually had evidence of what she is claiming. Who in their right mind essentially pleads guilty to the wrong doing that Richer claims when they know the damages could be very significant? If you are having a hard time imagining the cost of such an admission look at rudy's result he is on the hook for $148 million.

Since donny has thrown the parking lot lawyer, habba, to the curb maybe kari could hire her and really screw herself in damages it worked so well for donny.

lake just admitted to lying repeatedly over an election and she is going to ask the voters of Arizona to vote her in as Senator, I think the good people of Arizona will do otherwise.

Richer just got a lot richer, thanks to kari, who would have predicted otherwise??

Have a good afternoon,