The one about the forest led me into this hour long video about the flood.
It’s about a 30 mile trip to the NPS site, and I always find it interesting. My paternal Grandmother lived in Hornerstown, my Old Man worked 37 years in the Bethlehem Steel Mill over there.
I have a few ties to the city.
This touches on the dog memorialized in the City Park, but that occurred in the 1936 flood, which my Mom survived. It was the River backing up, the water didn’t have much force.
Everything I see about this blamed the SFF&H Club. Maybe the dam should have been better maintained, but in all honesty, that was a once in 500 years storm. The water was already running waist deep in the streets, and an earthen dam was never gonna hold with that much water backed up.
You can only leave Johnstown going down grade by following the Conemaugh River. Every other route is uphill. Many of them are steep..
I heard that they recovered a couple of bodies in Cincinnati from the Ohio River in 1977. One has to wonder how many people were completely lost, and no trace found.
Johnstown Flood Documentary

"Preserving the Constitution, fighting off the nibblers and chippers, even nibblers and chippers with good intentions, was once regarded by conservatives as the first duty of the citizen. It still is." � Wesley Pruden