You might want to anneal the snot out of those 348 cases, dang things are hard, at least the ones I had were. Haven't had a chance to run any of the reformed 50-110, but Jim Kluskens sure liked it.
I found 434 best when shooting a straight sided bullet.
1.1 inch bullets work real well for hunting and such out to around 600 yards. 1.3 is a good do it all length. Once you get past 1.32 crosswinds can raise holy ned past 700 yards
Straight sided bullets aren't as picky about powder and anything from 2-1 F work. Still have a bunch of Cartridge on hand, but the velocity is pretty low compared to OE, but it does shoot well.
You might also find there's a bunch of that long sight left over even getting to 1000, but a little extra never hurts. I run an MVA midrange with the Baldwin front when shooting target rifle and still have plenty of elevation to account for some pretty stiff head winds.
If the drawing gods are with me this year, I'll take my #1 fitted with one of Stephens' Hartford front sights after moose.

the most expensive bullet there is isn't worth a plug nickel if it don't go where its supposed to.