Originally Posted by SamOlson
Originally Posted by SCgman1
Do you have a similar relationship with the bulls, assuming you have a bull or two....do the bulls enjoy a gud back rub.....maybe play with their ears....


Yesterday we hauled two of our big old chitheads to town. They are either 4 or 5 year olds and weigh about 2000lbs apiece.

I was a little nervous about getting them on the trailer as we need to do a little corral maintenance. Gated them separately in the trailer(no chance to fight) and the second bull gave us the run around-around for a minute. You don't tell a bull to get on the trailer like you tell a cow.

We have a guy here that runs a custom feedlot for breeding bulls….. guy feeds like 7500 head of bulls for people from all over the west…. We had a straight deck fats trailer that worked good for hauling those basturds….. had 4 cut gates with slam latches like a gooseneck…. Never had to get in the trailer to shut gates or ramps…. I knew a guy that tried loading a couple bulls in the nose of a regular semi….. one of em turned back on him and ran over him….. lots of busted ribs and a broken leg.

A whole load of bulls was about the most un fuggin pleasant thing I’ve ever hauled…. Even packed like sardines those fuggers will jerk you’re azz around all over the road even in a 3 axle truck 😂