I'm hunting season A next week and there is no green leaf out in MN yet so I'm more exposed.
If I don't tag out in A, I can hunt the last tw o weeks Season F (memorial day) and its fully green by then.

Im a sit and wait when I hear something close. I usually have a chair and fence blind and patienly wait & read a book to keep me sitting still.
I'm too twitchy to sit in the open. Plus I'm on WPA land that doesn't have any large trees and always a bit swampy.

The decoys are my training wheels and I'm keeping them on still. its nice to see birds coming into my decoys and I can set my book down.

So how many decoys in Season A, the mix, and the placement from me.
Then same thing for Season F.

Thanks in advance.

Other than that, How was the show Mrs. Lincoln?