The BATF has been active here in central Indiana, they've visited three of the guys who set up @ a weekly flea market. None of these guys have FFL's yet they're flipping guns two or three weekday markets and doing a gunshow nearly every week. Cash and carry is their policy and none of them keeps any records. The first guy was buying handguns from a local shop, filling out a 4473 for each. In his case BATF gave him a stern warning and that was enough for him, he no longer flips any guns. The second guy was building AR's from parts, often he'd have a couple 8' tables with nothing but them. He got a visit during which BATF agents found two AR's that were full auto. They siezed over 500 of his guns, took over tow years for the guns to be returned. Third guy bought a couple of Glocks from an auction, filled out 4473 on both. Sold them at the flea market and they wound up in Chicago and had been used in violent crimes there. He was visited not only by BATF agents but also Chicago police, he was threatened with a hefty fine and a five year jail term. Now is not the time to be what the BATF calls "engaging in the business" definition of which is purposely vague. Selling guns without an FFL is risky, a private sale should be just that. Between individuals known to you, both do the transaction in private and keep your mouths shut.