Originally Posted by ModelT
Sublette County Sheriff K.C. Lehr didn’t know about an ugly mid-winter incident involving allegations of a tortured wolf in his jurisdiction until he read about it online in the last few days.

The cruel capture, display and delayed killing of the wolf was investigated by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department, which did not publicize what happened — or even bring sheriff’s deputies into the loop.

“They investigated, they found there was a violation,” Lehr said. “Granted, it was a slap on the hand for what seems to have happened.”

Lehr took off his sheriff’s hat, telling WyoFile that as a person he was aghast by the alleged details of the incident he’s read online: That the wolf was run down by a snowmobile, disabled, its mouth taped shut, then was brought into the Green River Bar in Daniel for cheap thrills before being shot behind the establishment. Those details have not been independently confirmed by KHOL Jackson Hole Community Radio and WyoFile.

Old news.........

T R U M P W O N !

U L T R A M A G A !