oulufinn,<P>Count me among the string-pullers. Regarding getting a new bow: If you KNOW you're not going to spend the coin for a Mathews, DO NOT pick one up. DO NOT hold one in your hand. FLEE the MQ32!!! <P>If you touch one you'll want one, which is what happened to me. Nothing comes close. It was worth the money. I had to order mine being a lefty shooter, and before I left the shop I had precious little change left from my 10 X $100 dollar bills. (I got new arrows, release, the works).<P>Divide the cost out over a few decades (I know that's idealistic) and it's not so bad. Where I live, I can bowhunt big game from Mid Sept until Mid Nov. That's a lot of days in the field.<P>Good luck, Talus