I recently finished a build on a M70 SS classic in 338wm, here are the details:
- the M70 classic action was trued
- Pacnor SS supermatch grade barrel, fluted in a #4 contour, 26" barrel
- Williams extractor
- Williams obendorf style bottom metal
- McMillan, Model 70 Hunting

Good build, pretty happy with the rifle, but there are a few things I would do differently. I got some good advice on this build, a lot of it from this site - some I followed and some I did not.

Hindsite being what it is here is what I would change:

Pacnor #3 contour SS supermatch grade barrel, unfluted, at 24". The fluting, for a rifle that gets packed around all day, is a pita. When I come back in I generally wipe my rifles down and this fluting is bit$h to keep clean.