... and you think that with the locking lugs gone, the root of the bolt handle would take further firings indefinitely? Any number of "views of what would happen" would be worth absolutely nothing in the face of one instance of what did happen. And we have at least one good report of what did happen at least once.

The legitimate use of theory now lies in explaining what did happen, not in frantic, futile efforts to fabricate theoretical reasons that "it couldn't have happened."

I got a detailed report that the bolt had exited the receiver and had entered the shooter's face. I saw then and see now no reason to doubt that report. But then I have only an ordinary brain, IQ-tested at only a bit over 150, that I try to use carefully -- not one of the Super Brains that we see so loquaciously exposed here to present nanosecond judgements. Many well known general facts support both the veracity of the report and the tentative explanation offered. Only vain, void, distant skepticism and ignorance support the twitching of a Super Brain's "BS sniffer."

If one relies on facts and well known relationships, BS is obvious from far beyond the reach of its stoutest aroma. IOW, I can see BS from farther away than anybody can smell it. Only imagined BS has only an imagined aroma and no visible image.

I'm not the one who's off the rails here. And the imagined aroma that twitches sniffers is evidence of BS much closer to the sniffers than anything that I've posted.