It seems that I'm not the only one where I work that is having problems. My own schedule and a few others have been changed and we are having to come in earlier than normal and get off early. Was 108 today and luckily I got off at 2PM before it got up that high.

Oddly enough while I was in the lounge room buying a soda, our local news was on talking about the heat wave and was talking about heat stroke and how it can be deadly for the elderly and children. Course the way my girlfriend abuses the A/C, I don't have to worry about my son being affected by the heat. One of the main things they said was to avoid alcoholic beverages. My guess is because of alcohols natural ability to absorb heat and will draw in more heat from the air.

I'm Libertarian for these 3 reasons:

1.) I'm American
2.) I'm not insane enough to be Democrat
3.) I'm not wussy enough to be Republican