I cook alot of pheasants and chukar. I keep it real simple. I breast the birds and save all the rest for stock. I lightly flour salt and pepper the breasts and fry just to get them brown. They go in the oven to finish ten to fifteen minutes is all they need. To keep them moist I finish them on a bed of moist stuffing. You can use what ever you like. I keep it simple mix a box of stovetop and a box of uncle bens wild rice. Cook them seperate then mix together. When the breast are finishing I make a sauce in the pan I browned the breasts in. I use the stock from the birds. To the stock I add some cream and butter. No real recipe but usually about 2 parts stock to 1 part cream and a tablespoon or so of butter. I thicken if needed depends on how much flour was left in the pan. I finish off the sauce with a squezze of lemon and some chopped parsley. I am not fond of marinades. I like to taste the bird. The sauce made with the stock is a great compliment to the birds. I have never had a dry breast yet when cooked this way.