Originally Posted by KDK
We've had our share of skinhead incidents here in Portland, which I find puzzling considering how freakin' liberal this goofy city is. I don't know if we have much in the way of Klan participation, though.

I think the last time the Klan marched on Boston was in '75 or so, in conjunction with the upheaval WRT busing and intergration in public schools. Many folks came out to greet the Klan (who had a permit to march). However, the vast majority came armed with buckets of urine, bricks, bottles and other nice 'welcome to Boston' tokens. wink Had I been old enough, I'd have had a sore arm the next day myself. I think the Klan failed to realize that many of the whites in this town are Irish Catholic. A wee blunder in march planning locales on part of the admin, let's call it... wink