Universal Suffrage: Yea

Equal Suffrage: Nay

A citizen must be given a voice in the affairs of his/her country, but an alternative to ensure that those more informed had influence to match their exists and was once considered. All have a single vote as a right of citizenship, but those who earn them may have multiple votes.

Nevil Shute wrote in his biography and seval of his novels about the concept of earning more than one vote. The history is that after WWII Britain was ruled by the Labour party and they turned hard left, even nationalizing many industries. These extremist policies caused the "Brain Drain" where many of Britain's best and brightest fled to the independant Colonies or those now gaining independence. These people, after being chased from their country by the follies of one person one vote, created a movement promoting to the formative governments of the Colonies they immigrated to a multiple vote system.

All were to have an initial vote; and, in most proposals, an additional vote could be earned for each of the following:

Business or Farm Ownership
Millitary Service
University Graduation
Living and working in abroad

This concept of earned multiple votes seems to me to be the solution.
