Yeah Jeff it's still going here, but......if you did a pole of the average Mt elk hunter you'd find that there is no way that he got 5 days or 10 days to hunt the critters. Between time and work and the wife day in and day out it just isn't gonna happen.

And of course there are a few nut cases out there (here) that will hunt them 8-10 days a year. But they're the exception and not the norm.

As for certain days, many of my friends can only go on this or that days during the season and they're dependent on the weather as well.

Nope, day in and day out the out of stater on a guided elk hunt will no doubt have more quality time on quality land than most all in staters.

And with most all things in life there are exceptions to this rule.


"True respect starts with the way you treat others, and it is earned over a lifetime of demonstrating kindness, honor and dignity"....Tony Dungy