I think you would be better off in three ways by switching to G-1, or better yet G-2 if you use another oily wood like Cocobola for your tip and cap. The three coats of S-1 look like they add quite a bit of weight, so swapping to a single coat of G would reduce that. The S-1 is not proving to be as waterproof as the G series, also. The build will be reduced by using a G as well.

The G-2 is the BEST epoxy I have found for oily woods like rosewood, (cocbola is a rosewood) bocote and even lignum vitae. The added benefit with it is that it is harder and stronger than the G-1 due to the 48 hour cure time.

I have used both many times and honestly see virtually no difference between them aside from the higher cost for the G-2 and slower set.

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.