Are you hunting alone or have a partner? My buddy and I started 4 yrs ago with DIY backpack hunts. Been acquiring and upgrading gear ever since. First trip was more to make sure we could survive - 80# packs, way overkill. Getting better with lightweight gear. Don't worry about predators - unless you're in grizzly country. May need to take measures to protect camp but you don't need the spray or a handgun - too much extra weight. Consider building up points to get a limited access type of hunt - much better odds of success. But either way, its beautiful country. You will never be so tired and so happy at the same time. Very rewarding if and when you tag out or put yourself in the game. Have a basic GPS, map and compass - know how to use them. Check your water sources too - didn't plan for that on the first hunt. Good luck and keep us posted on your progress. Consider joining Huntinfool to complement the Eastman's subscription for applying in multiple states.