The deer might not be in the wilderness by 4th season, so consider a unit that also has good road access to medium-high country. Say 8,000-10,000 feet. Deer are a lot more seasonal in their movements than elk and the bucks will be in the middle of the rut and coming down from the high country looking for does in 4th season. In a bad year, you may not be able to access the wilderness trail heads if the snow hits hard enough. If it were my application, I would consider a unit that has both high and low country public land. Many units only have the high country.
In looking at my maps, 45 and 36 have the most wilderness, but 44 has the most winter range, but they all have a fair amount of 8,000 foot country.
Since the heavy snows seem to be coming closer to Thanksgiving, and you seem to be more interested in elk (I'm assuming that because you posted under the elk section), I'd go with the unit with the most wilderness, unit 45.

"For some unfortunates, poisoned by city sidewalks ... the horn of the hunter never winds at all" Robert Ruark, The Horn of the Hunter