The amount that Montana is charging for tags is ridiculous; it is short changing its wildlife and sportsman. The non-res combo tag should well over 1000, and yes, I put in every year as a non-res. If hunting is that important to you, you will make it a priority to save for it. If the state wants to sell guaranteed tags, great, charge more, double, whatever, put some money in farmers and rancher pockets through outfitters and increase the state wildlife budget. Same thing with sheep, goat, and moose tags�they should follow New Mexico�s lead and push the 3500 dollar mark. .22% chance at 680 with 6 bonus points as a non res, are you kidding me�Pay to play. Bump all the tags up, I hope they charge all they can, use every avenue they can to channel money into F&G. I live in Alaska, born and raised in mt, and I cannot go on a hunt in AK that includes any flight service for less than 1500�.MT is the best deal going, bar none.