Hey guys, let's slow down here. That is one of the drier, more open, low density areas. To hunt it, you need to understand a few things and hunt accordingly.
I've done alot hunting in drier, less dense areas. You need to understand what you are dealing with and be prepared to address those conditions.
As to not liking it, that depends on what you like and how you like to hunt. I, for one, happen to like and understand wide open country and enjoy hunting it.
You need to find the animals. So lots of time checking key areas. I'd think water first, and green feed second. For large, older bucks, I'd also think out of the way places where the ATV addicts don't go.
Such areas often have a high ratio of older bucks because of these conditions.
Such areas often offer some high quality bird hunting, and even high quality trout fishing if they have running streams. Other wildlife, like Pronghorn and Bighorn Sheep are other considerations. E