It is imperfect - it can be improved - and yet - MOST Canadians still support it!

In fact, the guy that invented it - and saw it become law - was named as the most important Canadian ever - in a nation-wide poll looking for our choice as the "greatest Canadian" ever. Go figure!

We do live longer than Americans, we do have lower infant mortality than Americans - and we spend almost half as much of our GDP on health-care - compared to Americans.

And NO Canadian has ever been denied healthcare due to economic circumstances - and we don`t have a SINGLE (let alone 45 million!) citizen who will ever be denied service. We also have no Canadian who has gone bankrupt due to trying to find funds for health-care.

I AM reflecting the views of the average Canadian - not that it`ll ever be posted on a right-wing program, or appreciated on this hunting list.

If you doubt me - talk to a Canadian


Vernon BC Canada

"Nothing in life - can compare to seeing smiles on your children's faces."