GCS has a great reputation. I have become friends with another old time outfitter who is great friends with the owner of GCS. They go back a long time. This outfit runs some great camps in some excellent country. Once caution I will put out there is this, despite the fact you are being packed in I would not count on being alone. There are many who either DIY into these areas or you may run into other outfitters in the back country. However, I think its worth the expense to go this way.

Tenderfoot is also well known and have the same reputation. I've ran into their employee's many times in the town of Gunnison and they are top notch people.

What I'd expect from these outfits is a nice camp, good country, and excellent service when they check on you or pack your game. With reputable outfits like these there is not much to worry about. However, I'd still check into their references. They should drop you into a camp that holds game and give you an idea where to find them.

Shut up and hunt!