Originally Posted by rahtreelimbs
Three months ago my family and I moved from Pittsburgh, Pa. to Cumming Ga. I have been down here steady for about 2 months. Everything was good up until 24 hours or so ago. My new job and the wifes job (the reason we relocated) are going good. I can seem to shake this feeling that I would rather be back in Pittsburgh. I realize that I need to give this more time but how much???

Stay with it. Find the "things to do" in your new home. Explore on the weekend when possible. Try to be flexible. Me and my fam have lived in 6 states and 3 counties. I've spent significant amounts of time in a few more countries and states. We didn't necessarily like all those places that well when we arrived, but we soon came to enjoy each and every one and have fond memories of each.


"There are no dangerous weapons. There are only dangerous men." - Robert Heinlein