Originally Posted by blackeyeddueler
I like to target shoot while sitting in my drivers seat out the window,I need a good bag/rest designed for this,really I just target shoot(no critters),I do this in the dead of winter with the heat on,nice & comfy,any ideas?


MTM makes a black, hard, foamlike rest that slides over the window in your door. Then there is a sandbag that is made to hang over the rest and gives a completely solid and movable rest for shooting out of a window. It should be noted, MTM has a disclaimer on the package that says this device is made as a camera rest not a rifle rest as there are some real paranoids out there that think only a low-life scumbag would shoot out their window.

It is illegal to shoot game from a motorized vehicle, but targets and gophers aren't game.

[Linked Image from i.postimg.cc]