I have an order en route from MidwayUSA. It is the UPS Basic and it is showing tracking information on UPS' website. However, it is not showing an estimated date of arrival as it normally would. I didn't really pick up on the fact that something had changed in the shipping options when I made the purchase, but it did seem a little cheaper than usual. Previously, I've always used UPS ground. Will see how it goes.

As for TexasTBag's issue ... I once called in to Midway after making an online order, and piggybacked some additional items to the online order via the phone. It went off without a hitch and the lady was very nice to deal with. Perhaps it was a case of the order already having been filled in your case? ... whereas mine was not when I called? Who knows. I still like Midway overall, but I've used some of the other online vendors too including Midsouth, Natchez, Grafs and Cabelas. Grafs may charge a flat rate, but when you get the total all added up when said and done, they will be the same or somewhat more expensive than Midway more often than not. They are all fairly close on price with a few exceptions on particular items. Hands down though, I think Midway has the best website, although it has some glitches since they've made some revision to it. I find Midway's competitors' websites are not as friendly to navigate. Doesn't stop me from using them, but Midway gets the lion's share of my purchases.