Whoooaaaaaa Boys!
This was never meant to escalate into WW III, this was about my student Terry. Looking back I can see that folks would be skeptical to donate to someone they had no clue to who they are. After I posted on the two web sites 6MMgr.com & benchrest.com (Where I am known a little better) I received an email from one of the regulars who posts here on 24 Hour and urdged me to make a post here because of the kind of people that are on this site and their genuine concern for the shooting community. I did without thinking and now we have slid down hill and reason for the post "TERRY & his two girls" has faded into the shadow's.
I thank those from this site with all my heart who took the chance on being scammed and made a charitble dontaion to my student Terry.
Let's just let this thread die out and go onto something else fighting amongst ourselves is what those who wish to take our firearms away love to see. We must stay united in that cause or in the future we will be writing about the good old days when we used to have guns.

May God bless you all & Merry Christmas,
Speedy Gonzalez
Trindad State Junior College