AGI is pretty good,I have several of their tapes and books.They used to have a program that involved doing some work and then sending it in along with photo's I am told.<BR>I Really have nothing bad to say about them.<BR>However if the young airman is looking for a trade with which to support the family I would point him elsewhere.The profit/time margin requires a heck of an investment in equipment and tooling,and in the end a guy will need a primary income for years before getting to the point of having enough experience and time to make a living off of his work.<BR>I also would advise against General 'smith work.It pay's well for small general repairs but the headaches are HUGE!I can't stress this enough.Wallyworld and cheaply made diposeable guns are killing the general 'smith.That leaves poor folks with hardware store guns as clients.I lost my patience several times in the last year and have started turning away work just to avoid the frustration..<BR>Tell your bud to look into custom work and get a background in machine work first,then look into rifles.The market is getting weird and freakish for those that just do repairs.<BR>E4E

My Tractor ain't sexy!
My Rifle however, has issues with the matter.
The wife Definately ain't cornfused!
Good thing I have a Dog to come home to!!!!!!