As a custom gun builder, I have settled on a formula of 1part Trueoil, 1part minerel spirits an 1partDanish oil(Danish heats it up).....I have substituted Varathene 66 for the trueoil, buy inasmuch as Varathane contains Touinal (SP) a cancer causing carsenagen I backed off of it and the trueoil finish is a oil modified finis and is somewhat harder anyway....It is also thin enouugh to use as a sanding liquid in my formula that allows you to push the oil modified sanding dust back into the wood pores so that you can go witha built up finish or an in the wood finish....<P>There are just two ways to go on gunstocks and that is polyurathane or modified oil finish, and either is exceptable...<P>Warning stright tung,Linseed or other oils are slow drying even with dryers and are not at all waterproof.....<P>Linspeed is linseed oil based with dryers and is a good finish...<P>Trueoil is a modified tung oil with additives and dryers and is the best in my opinnion for a number of reasons..<P>Varathane is nothing more than a polyurathane..very water proof and a nice finish but damn slow to dry and one should wait 48 hrs minimum between coats....<P>Finish has a mind of its own and one man can apply one and another man can't get the desired results, no matter what....Thats why there are so many options...find one that fits you and stay with it...No one finish is better than the other, the secret is in the application...To say otherwise is a lack of experience....<P>------------------<BR>Ray Atkinson<BR><BR>208-326-4120