Screw Haiti, why is it up to the US to go save them? If someone wants to send them money that is all well and good, but I resent the hell out of the government deciding to send my tax money over there ehrn I can't even get services here for our own. Soon another wave of the poor Haitian refugees Will be arriving here in Fl and be met on the dock, given welfare,free housing, food stamps and free medical all paid for with my tax dollars. Boo hoo the poor Haitians every one feel sorry for them, but how many have them standing on street corners selling drugs and robbing people in their neighborhood like I do and all the while having their bills paid with my tax dollars. Screw them all, maybe God was just thinning the herd over there.

Not to mention the aid we send them will mostly be stolen by thier corrupt government officials, let them fix thier own country or perish, the US has been bailing them out for 100 years and they still have not gotten thier [bleep] together, why do you think the DR wants nothing to do with them.

Bring on the flames but the truth is the truth and all the PC BS in the world is not going to change it.

Any government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you have. T Jefferson