Not sure if this is just coincidence, or what, but I do seem to see more critters while on the 4-wheeler than I do from the truck .... really can't figure that one out. Where I hunt, travel is restricted to fire roads and marked ATV trails, but that still opens up a lot of areas that would not otherwise be practical, time-wise, for a half-day hunt. I haven't tried it yet, but varmint hunting & ATV's sound like a good match .... will give it a go this year. I have found that it will get me to a few very secluded new fishing spots.(!) Btw, I am a former ATV hater. I bought this thing for the kids to play with around home, and thinking that it might save me a long, hard drag come deer season. Now, I'm hooked on all the possibilities. I do go to whatever lengths necessary to avoid spoiling the "wilderness experience" for others, though. (Sometimes wish I had a horse.)