Hi, I called Weaver to get the part number so I could find a place to order them and Man there told me to go with the Grandslams for 30-06 recoil but I think just the Original Weaver type rings will be more than sufficient.He also said that since the Grandslams were narrower than the Original style weavers that the weight difference wouldn,t be much if any at all. I dont know but this doesn,t make sense to me especially if one used the steel bases. I always thought the old style weaver rings pretty tough ,just never liked the fact it was a pain to line up the crosshair and keep it from moving when the rings were tightened down !! More comments appreciated. and where is the cheapest place I can order some of these bases and rings? 55(48055)rear base)
20A(48020)front base)
(49030 )low rings)
(49040)low Matte rings)


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