Dan C Johnson,
Idaho Shooter hit the nail on the head so to speak with how I was going to reply to your comments. I reread the article twice this weekend, and clearly Mr. Hoots was deriding his companion for his ammunition choice. Using this example to show how the "masses" are now going to be saved by Federal and their fusion bullet. I am not going to bad mouth the fusion bullet, I have not tried it. I just think the editor used bad judgement in his article. This is just one of the many articles I have read over the last few years that have turned me off of gun magazines. There are many times when the author of an article suggests or hints, either out right or "between the lines" that if we are not using what they think is best, then what an uneducated idiot we must be. It's too bad. If only the info could be presented in an unbiased way. Sadly I think most gun writers and editors are now tainted with the same attitude that has corrupted the national media.
Sorry to be so bleak, its just my take on this.