Originally Posted by Steelhead
Friggin outstanding!

Though you boys look more like jelly doughnut kind of guys.........grin

True dat, however (and it's a big one) shooting in the Texas summer heat has some disadvantages when using these barrel thingees. Most important is that the jelly would liquify and clog up the works.

I am currently in the process of combining blue tape, barrel thingees and muzzle condoms. Some of you may smirk or scoff at the idea but each has it's own merits.

During today's session the range officer trampled over and asked what he were doing. For a younger guy he sure has a foul disposition. I told him we were testing our new thingees and tried to explain the rationale behind the methodology. Unfortunately, he scoffed in our general direction and left shaking his head mumbling under his breath. I felt like I should've tried to improve his mood somewhat but then thought better of it. Had I done so he probably would've turned into a real bear claw and packed up our thingees.

I really have no idea why anyone would want to be in the accurizing business. It is most frustrating trying to explain the ins and outs of something which is not really a science but an art.

I am quite optimistic that further testing will provide heretofore unheard of scientific discoveries.

Stay tuned.