Back when I was but a babe in the woods,I had an old Hooktender who was a rather colorful sort and sorta took me under his wing. He was a GOOD Old Boy,gruff by nature,but more than a little good at what he did and knew it.

He'd often sing:

"I,m ROUGH and reckless,born in Texas,
I wear a hard hat and eat puzz for breakfast,
I can outdrink,outfight,outphuck ANY man."

He was the first to espouse the Taters Thang and I thought it hilarious at the time and I've not quit laughing yet. He'd been to the Fair and had largely seen/done it all.

He was a Marine Raider in WWII and rightfully proud of the fact and as I was an eager listener,he often would relate his life's experiences. The man was quite the character and consumate teller of tales. He married a beautiful French gal,that he'd met during the War and had a smokin' hot daughter that I knew better than to try and touch,despite our ages being similar,as they had her later in their life.

I busted my ass for him and he appreciated the effort,but he regaled in informing me..."kid,you're a good hand,but you'd NEVER make a Raider". Then he'd laugh like only he could laugh and say "Raider's had a MINIMUM height requirement!" and howl with laughter. No doubt it was his favorite joke and I thought it funnier than hell too.

I liked the [bleep] outta him and we always hit it off,though I've not seen or heard from him in years. Here's hoping Old Jimmy is still singin' that song and recounting his favorite joke at my expense,to an equally enthusiatic audience.

The man was a CLASS Act....................

Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."