
Actually my primary camera is a 25MP Sony A900 and by backup is a 12MP Sony A700. I was attempting to avoid being a brand slut and give you the pros and cons of the brands I've used as I see them.

I like the in-body IS of the Sony, the user interface is stellar, and the FF A900 fits my shooting style well. I do indeed have a Canon 40D, but mostly it's the one my kids drag around (grin)

I'm partial to Zeiss lenses - I have a ZA 85 1.4 , ZA 24-70 2.8, Sony G 70-200 2.8, and Sigma 300 2.8. They're releasing a ZA 24 2.0 next month I've got my eye on - unfortunately all these lenses run $1500 to $3500 each, so getting 1-2 a year is a stretch.