I've been thinking about joining Sons of the American Revolution. I can trace lineage back verifiably to at least one Revolutionary War soldier.

As I look at the information, forgive me for sounding blase, but they want a buttload of information and time invested, plus their various fees to state, local, and national membership coffers...for what?

Do I get a magazine? A shiny plaque?

I'm not hating on them, just curious and wondering if I should take the plunge, or if I'm fine just knowing that I am descended from these guys, and don't need to pay someone several hundred dollars to acknowledge it.

I have been generally disappointed with the last few organizations I was in -- NRA, national collector car club, etc., 8th AF Memorial Ass'n, etc., mostly just seemed like excuses to go drinking or leave family at home, or in my case, to get a shiny magazine each month because I could never afford the various junkets and trips they would offer.