Originally Posted by logcutter
So John..I have to ask you..Which of these post or quotes I am going to post are adult like for viewing of your kids or wife,posted here on only this thread....Which ones are adult like?

I've only known chicks to throw up posts about 'Rules' and then only chicks with a VERY sandy or STINKY vagina.

Starting a My Puzzy Hurts gleams much insight into the nature of a gal's so

You are wasting your time with that inbred swamp moron

You're not a hard-headed horse's ass, just a self-important twit who really likes to pontificate.

Pretty irresponsible and childish like, if you ask me.But you didn't..Would you want your kids or wife to see this crap where you hang out at times?.


I was curious, so I had my wife read the post to check her response..

She's now taken to the bed with a severe case of the vapors and undoubtedly requires hospitalization, but our health insurance doesn't cover internet induced swoons.