Originally Posted by Thangle
Sigh. To the fans and aficionados, thank you.
To the rest of you, what a load of Cr*p.

Hi, I'm Charlie's granddaughter, let me set some of this straight.

He wasn't a babykiller. I don't know who started that story originally, but its obviously spun out of control.

He loved the women in his family dearly (his wife, his daughter, and his 4 granddaughters). He hated his mother and his sister (met the sister once, what total trash).

He drank tequila and ouzo daily, because he had arthritis. I never once in my lifetime heard him bemoan any kind of issue that he'd need to drink his troubles away.

Yes, he shot a lot of blacks in Africa. There was this little war most Americans don't learn about where the white farmers who had developed Rhodesia were being slaughtered by black revolutionaries. My family had many many friends there, and he was there to help them try to come out on top in that war. Unfortunately that was not to be, and the country is now Zimbabwe. Maybe a few more Charlie Askins could've kept the country from turning into a unfarmable wasteland with 5000% inflation.

If you met him and he was charming the ladies, guess what? He was a charming person when he wanted to be. He wasn't trying to steal you wife, he was just cooler than you, sorry bub.

And yes, the way he fought might be considered sneaky. But he kicked ass, took names, and lived to be a very old man, which is more than a lot of gung ho whackjobs can say. He'd think most of these kids going off to war currently are total wahoos for the way they do things now, I guarantee it.

He had several strokes, and a a few heart attacks in his later years, and a dwindling case of dementia. Yes, he drove off one day to take his dog to the vet and got lost. There were NOT posters all over town (what crap, we had one news report run, and a family friend actually returned him to us).

He passed away in his own bed at home holding hands with his loving wife. Which is a far sight better than most men, psychopathic killer or not, will ever do.

I guess that puts a well-directed foot in a few fannies around here.