A man with a turned-around collar and a man with a skull cap sat next to each other on an airliner.
<br>"Pardon me," one said to the other. "Are you a rabbi?"
<br>"Yes, I am."
<br>"Tell me, is it true that you're forbidden to eat pork?"
<br>"Yes, that's true."
<br>"Did you ever try it?"
<br>"Yes, I must confess -- I did weaken once, and ate some pork."
<br>"How'd you like it?"
<br>"Oh, it was delicious, of course! But I was so ashamed of my weakness, I swore I'd never taste pork again. And I haven't."
<br>The two men sat quiet in thought for a moment. Then --
<br>"You're a Catholic priest, aren't you?"
<br>"Yes, I am."
<br>"Is it true that you're bound by a vow of celibacy?"
<br>"Did you ever weaken, and violate that vow?"
<br>"Yes, unfortunately, when I was only a very young priest, a young nun and I found ourselves overwhelmed by curiosity and gave-in to the urge."
<br>"Better than pork, wasn't it?"

"Good enough" isn't.

Always take your responsibilities seriously but never yourself.