That would definitely be an issue, I guess it pays to know your neighbours.

I would help as much as I could, but I don`t think one person should have to give up their hard earned food to people who were too lazy or ignorant to prepare. However, if they had something they could do for me in exchange for whatever I had that they needed,we could do business.

I guess much would depend on the exact situation and how long it looked to last. Short term, I would give what I had and hope to be able to resupply in the near future. If it looked to be a long term deal, I`d be inclined to hide my stash pretty carefully.

Where I live, most people have a garden or farm, so if we could get by till summer we would probably do okay. If I have food stored, I could maybe trade with some local farmer for some fuel,which they all have on the farm. That would let me keep the generator and truck going,so I could get out hunting. If I was successful, I`d try to trade some meat for things I need.

I really,really hope this never happens. We live pretty simple and cheap, but I find I really do enjoy hot running water, my furnace when it`s -35c, buying food at the store and so on. I think we could see tough times ahead, but I don`t think things will totally fall apart .