Originally Posted by GeauxLSU
You would think that nothing in the name of a common humanity could make a thread about an innocent child being found cooked to death in an oven a more pathetic commentary on human nature. This thread is proof positive that's not true.

I could not agree with you more!

We went from the death of an innocent child to an entirely meaningless and gratuitious stereotypical comments on the race of the poor child's mother to repitious demands to "blow me" to my regrettably vile responses to the "blow me" rants of Steve_No.

I'll admit, I probably overreacted to Steve_No's original comment. It was obviously racist but mild by Campfire standards. (No, I don't for one nano-second believe that he intended to merely point out the "likely" demographic of the mother suspected of killing her child, his "defense" when the racist bigotry of his comment is highlighted. There was NO reason to even care what the mother's or child's race or ethnicity might be. The issue was the horrible tragedy of the child's death. No one but a bigot would care about the child's or mother's race.)

The impetus for what was probably an overreaction on my part was this: In the face of the basic tragedy and the unimaginable horror of the nature of the child's death the ONLY comment Steve_No could deign to make in his eminent wisdom related to the race of the family. Not a single expression of empathy for the CHILD.

The juxtaposition of the unimaginable horror that child might have suffered with the fact that the ONLY issue of note for Steve_No was the child's and mother's race just pissed me off.

Now, I'm not proud of humiliating poor Steve_No by pointing out the childishness and vileness of HIS "blow me" rants with by resorting to similarly vile drivel. But, it's apparently the only type of discourse he understands. He seems unwilling of engaging in reasoned discourse on the actual issue I raised with him and incapable of just letting it all go without having the last word, which for him seems always to be "blow me".

Let's face it, "blow me" is one of the most common forms of adolescent school-yard rants and bullying that some folks here employ with regularity. I detest bullies and have taken them on in every form I've encountered them since I was a child. So poor Steve_No simply further provoked me. I personally think he "deserved" what he got. But, those of you expressing the voice of reason may be correct. I should not have stooped to his level.

I've been a Campfire member for a few years and, should any of you care to look at my post count, you'll see that I seldom post. I come here mostly to learn and make a few contributions when I have what I think is actual information, and sometimes insight, that others may be able to put to use. I spend most of my time actually living life so what happens here is for me, as it should be, a minor diversion and a miniscule portion of my time and life.

I've gained much here from members with more knowledge than I on various subjects. But I've grown increasingly weary of some of the worst of the bigoted, hatred and mindless knee-jerk rants that, among some here, pass for discourse. I've also grown sick and tired of the adolescent chest-thumping expressions of "masculinity" and school-yard bullying that seems so closely associated with the bigotry, hatred, thoughtlessness, and lack of compassion.

Yes, I know, I could and generally do just ignore it and those who engage in it. But, recently, I've found it more difficult to refrain from addressing some of the more odious examples that have crossed my path here.

In the last few days I've had a little time to waste and elected to waste some of it here on the Campfire. I did what I rarely do and actually started a thread on an issue of interest (Christians, please advise...) that has brought out some very thoughtful discourse and, for me at least, highlighted some of the outstanding individuals to be found here on the fire (among which GeauxLSU is one) and prompted me to express my respect and admiration both publicly and privately.

It is of almost no concern to me how I am viewed here. The exception for me is that I do care how I am viewed by those of you with principles and real human compassion who do try to raise the level of discourse here and engage in thoughtful dialogue on subjects of common interest.

To you I offer my apology for my part in dragging a discussion of the tragic death of this child into the filth that Steve_NO and others wallow in regularly.

I'm not proud of it and I'll try to refrain in the future. I'm not a Christian and it's always been difficult for me to "turn the other cheek" but I admire those who are and live that principle.