Originally Posted by rost495


As you note, nothign is free or lasts forever.

Once again I'll simply mildly mention what I dont' think I"ve seen you reply to, though I certainly could have missed it.... our coal plant pollutes and kills, thats proven and a daily given. A nuke plant is only an issue IF there is an issue. Seems like to my way of thinking the nuke is still far ahead. Like I"ve said, the nuke is like getting on a plane. You are on the wrong one it'll suck for all involved, but how many are wrong? Way more than nuke plants anyway, but still not many.

You ahve to pay for what you want one way or another.

Plus I figure there isn't anything to guarantee my safety from every other thing in life, and that if I factored in deaths due to nuclear issues vs life of everthing else that comes at me, the nuke margin of death would be WAY WAY WAY smaller chances than anythying else.. way smaller than getting struck by lightning as an example too would be my guess.

Natural Gas is very clean and abundant.

Nuclear waste may not last forever... but it comes close


That which does not kill us makes us stronger

Friedrich Nietzsche